Actions from West Area Panel meeting 13th September 2023

Deadline for staff to respond: {9am on Thursday 9th November}


All staff please note Date ACTION completed refers to when the requested action is done (or planned to be done if outstanding) not this form is filled in.


Ref & Date Outstanding actions raised



Response including what is completed & outstanding

Is Action Completed or Outstanding?

Date Action completed

or planned completion date?








Meet with Muriel Briault to visit Valley Road

Justine Harris




October 23


Provide a more comprehensive response to Cllr Miller on the issues at Elizabeth Court

Martin Reid/ Peter Huntbach

A report has been sent to Cllr Miller.


7 November 2023.


Provide more information on how water checks are undertaken

Martin Reid/Geof Gage

Inspections for water safety are undertaken by an external contractor on a periodic basis, some schemes are more regular than others due to the nature, seniors as an example. Any issues found are reported and then a works order is placed for rectification. The performance of the contractor is monitored by the HIAM’s team.

